Beauty and the Dork's version of Snow White
I had plan eventually to make Second Life versions of all the Disney princesses just because I love Disney so much. The objective is not to be an exact copy but to have that tiny glimmer of resemblance. At first was almost determined to do a goth version of snow white granted the lovely dress I had but than I thought to myself nahhhhh. Of course my Dork White needs her own cabin as well as a song of course!
Sung by :: Adriana Caselotti
With a smile and a song
Life is just a bright sunny day
Your cares fade away
And your heart is young
With a smile and a song
All the world seems to waken anew
Rejoicing with you
As the song is sung
There's no use in grumbling
When raindrops come tumbling
Remeber, you're the one
Who can fill the world with sunshine
When you smile and you sing
Everything is in tune and it's spring
And life flows along
With a smile and a song.
* Appearance *
Mesh Hair :: !Ohmai Salon :: Sopha [Brunette Pk] (Yes birds included) @ Hair Fair
Skin :: Glam Affair :: Kaelyn - America
Shape :: Penelo Faith :: N/A
Eyes :: .ID. :: Portrait Eyes / Blue
Mesh Hands and Feet :: Slink
Lipstick :: BDBA :: Jill Hunt Exclusive Lipstick [2] (Past Event)
* Apparel *
Dress :: {Junbug} :: Junbug VIP Princess (Group Gift)
Not your typical blue and yellow but I thought it was a stunning resemblance. Didn't feel right to go with black hair and well since I enjoy very much being a brunette stayed that way but well what's Snow White with out some of her woodland creatures? So yes my birds straightened my hair.
* Accessories / Decor *
Cabin (first photo) :: Trompe Loeil :: Rivershire Waterwheel @ Collabor 88
MANY PHOTOS BELOW! Every Snow Dork needs her little cabin.... sorry I was in short supply of seven dorks to accompany my Dork White. Plenty of other items which can be added to this cozy cabin to make it just darling of a home. Happy shopping my lovelies ^.^
Rocking Chair :: Spargel & Shine Homes :: Blue Rocker @ The Collage
Beer bottle (left side) :: Decor Junction :: Mesh Beer Bottle Holder @ The Collage
Wine (right side) :: Decor Junction :: Mesh Wine Bottle Holder @ The Collage
Wine (right side) :: Decor Junction :: Mesh Wine Bottle Holder @ The Collage
Table :: Decor Junction :: Barrel Coffee Table @ The Collage
:: Photo Above ::
Table and Chairs :: Decor Junction :: Mesh Single Wine Bottle @ The Collage
Table and Chairs :: Decor Junction :: Barrel Chair & Table @ The Collage
:: Photo Below ::
Firepit :: Decor Junction :: Barrel Firepit @ The Collage
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