I'm late, I'm late yes I am defiantly late for a date! But no worries you still have time to get these great items. :D The Violet lace top comes in four different colors. It is available simple or lace (which is the version I am wearing). Now I don't have large bosom but the great thing about these tank tops is for all you ladies whom have the large bosom (for those of you whom wear Lolas). These shirts will fit you just lovely. Now if it wasn't great enough that we had some great tank tops, we also have the skirt which comes in six colors! Oh my goodness...
* Appearance *
Hair :: MINA :: Goodiebag HF2014 - Noor Essentials * Past Event
Shape :: Penelo Faith :: N/A
Skin :: Glam Affair :: Mokatana - Jamaica
Teeth :: The Ugly and Beautiful :: Pointed Demon Vampire Teeth
Mesh Hands and Feet :: Slink
Tattoo :: Suicide Gurls :: Rammus Unisex Tattoo
* Apparel *
Mesh Sunglasses :: TOMGA :: Leon Sunglasses (black)
Non Mesh Shirt :: MOoH! :: Violet lace tanktop (LOLA friendly) @ The Unique Varied Event
Mesh skirt :: MOoH! :: Pleated mini skirt with belt @ Black Dot Project
Mesh Slink shoes :: C.C. Kre-ations :: {Papilio~ snow} L pumps slink H
* Accessories / Decor *
Chair and Decor :: LISP :: I'm Late, I'm Late Setting with sits
** Note **
The Unique Varied Event and Black Dot Project both end September 22, 2014 so be sure to grab yours before it ends! Hurry before you are late! Happy Shopping my lovelies! ^.^
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