Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Skater Gurl

Oh my jeebus little Penni is growing up! Watch out boys she's going to be a heart breaker! So some exciting news! I now have a TweeneeDoo avatar. So you can bet your bottom Linden I will now be posting future adorable looks for this mesh body. Now first up is Little Stars introducing TweeneeDoo outfits. Now if you don't know yet I'm not a big fan of pink but I sure can make it look great! So today rocking it out in pink. I am so excited for what great things I will be posting. So I hope you all stay tuned! No time for a song today I need to go do some rollerskating! 
* Appearance * 
Mesh Hair :: Truth :: Edith -  browns (Hair includes Hat)
Mesh Head :: Cute Bytes :: Mesh Head #3 - JULIA
Mesh Body / Shape :: Cute Bytes :: TweeneeDoo - YoungGirl (v.0.2)

* Apparel *
Outfit :: Little Stars ::  Cutie Skater {Pink}

** Note ** 
Little Stars outfit includes Goggles, Dress, Undershirt, Bracelet, Knee-pads, socks and roller blades. At the moment it is only available in pink but who knows what she comes up with next! 
Until next peeps happy shoppings and skate on! ^.^

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