Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Daddy's Champ

Now I'm not saying I'm a meanie pants but my daddy don't call me his little pitbull for nothing! When all else fails I'm daddies champ. Champion of making him go "Awww" or "Pumpkin Pie" or maybe he just doesn't stop laughing.. I think daddy sometimes forget to breathes when I gots jokes. - giggles a little - As much as daddy loves me I know I can be a handful.. But regardless I'm his pumpkin princess always! Now This outfit as you can see can be worn by girls! Cause we are the champions ding a dang dong! No no in all seriousness this outfit is a perfect example of unisex TD mesh clothes! Oooo found my song... not the original Queen - We Are The Champions but a little bit of Crazy Frog. Cause we all know or maybe you don't know but my daddy is the "Frogfather" Okies I love you buh byee!
* Appearance *
Hair :: [LOVE SOUL] :: 140*Bitter Brown
Mesh Head :: *CB* :: Baby Mesh Head  - Betull
Skin :: LD Store - Children's Boutique :: Ava Skin Freckles
Eyes :: ID :: Portrait Eyes - Blue
Ears ::  *CB* :: Bubbly Pierced Ears
Mesh Body :: *CB* :: ToddleeDoo :: BabyGirl

Outfit :: *Little Rainbows* :: Dads Champ @ Allergic To Pink
Necklace :: Simply ~A~ :: I Love You Too The Moon And Back 

* Note *
*Little Rainbows*'s outfit includes Sweater, Pants and Shoes. The outfit is available for Kids and Baby (Toddleedoo). There is also a version that says Moms Lil Champ. She has one more outfit out I believe that was adorable! I think it was something really pink if I'm not mistaken. You only have until tomorrow to get this item at the event so hurry while you can! 
Allergic To Pink where most things aren't PINK! Be sure to check it out!
Until than happy shoppings! ^.^

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