Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Dreaming of Christmas

 So this city girl is dreaming of a white Christmas. With the glittering white snow sprinkled all around. Now Christmas is just around the corner but no snow to be seen. Awww shucks. Well on the bright side going to pull out my dress and well go dancing of course. It's a crazy time of the year right now to go shopping. Well least I can shop my little heart out in SL without all the traffic, the struggle of finding a parking place, oh and did I mention we don't have to wait in line? Oh the beauty of it all. So today I proudly present B Barbie Style my lovely new sponsor. I look forward to showing her designs off. Now what is dazzling besides that gorgeous dress? Well the fact that its a mesh body! That's right it's the classy me in a new body. - Sings happily to "Dreaming of a White Christmas" -
* Appearance *
Hair :: Truth :: Delta -  browns
Skin :: Glam Affair :: Katya - Jamaica
Mesh Body, Hands and Feet :: Slink
Shape Design :: Penelo Faith 
Slink Nail Polish :: {ZOZ} :: Gothic Xmas Duo Polish @ Suicide Dollz GIFT!

* Apparel * 
Flexi Dress Outfit :: B Barbie Style :: Vickie Red (Earrings, Ring, Dress, Purse & Slink High Shoes) 

* Accessories / Decor * 
Skybox :: Toiz :: New York skyline skybox 

** Note ** 
Suicide Dollz Is having there Anniversary round Nov 30th - Dec 31st 
Toiz was originally TOMGA. 
I look forward to provide you all with more B Barbie Style. I am sure she has some extra special goodies coming up. This outfit has basic clothing layers as well as the following appliers available to use (Phat Azz Appliers, Slink Physique and Omega Applicators )
So I am still the adorable me with more clothing options now :D Still fooling around with body but I'll be sure to let you folks know how much I love it after fooling around with it a bit or if I am disappointed. I do love the fact that I can use my original shape. So yes this girl treated herself to her own little Christmas gift :3 Happy blogger indeed. Until next time my lovelies happy shoppings ^.^ 

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