Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Oxford? Maybe not!

Applying to Oxford today! 
Or Maybe I'm not?! Today in the RL world it was HECTIC day! A girl got fired today. Broke my heart. Was truly a day to just be blah is it Friday yet? It was hot out and humid just so gross. So what makes the day better well shopping of course and picking out your outfits and accessorizing. Didn't do much accessorizing though. I must say this outfit is most certainly a keeper. It's actually called Oxford.  It comes in 4 different colors. I am not a big fan of red but I was actually enjoying the red version. Though I must say the classic black was great. THESE SHOES!!! Now they aren't slink shoes but excuse you I got my MID slink feet to fit in them...mmhmm beauty is pain ladies so I am sure you can squeeze your foot in too... or just use the built in resizer script....that works wonders too! I so want to use these shoes for other outfits!!!!!  Over all crappy morning but I must say it was a perfect day despite all odds. No one is going to make you a rainbow. You need to make one yourself! So like this song  says it's the perfect day and NOTHING is standing in my way. Even had the most dance recital ever!!! Cherry on top for my night! If you didn't get to see - sad panda! - No worries here's a post to bring you joy and a song to make you dance!
* Appearance *
Hair :: Wasabi Pills :: Lumi 2
Skin :: Glam Affair :: Mokatana - Jamaica 04
Shape :: Penelo Faith :: N/A
Mesh Hands and Feet :: Slink
Nail Polish :: {ZOZ} :: Dark Poem Polish @ World Goth Fair

* Apparel *
Outfit :: Flippant :: Oxford Complete

** Note **
The Flippant outfit comes in 4 colors as you see. The outfit includes, top skirt, shoes and nail polish. I did not use the the nail polish that came with this outfit.  I love {ZOZ} so much I switched out the nail polish and used one of her's instead. {ZOZ}'s the nail polish itself comes in 9 colors. 
Now don't you try to rain in my parade - sticks out her tongue - 
Until next time my lovelies happy shoppings! ^.^
World Goth Fair May 15th - June 1st 2015 

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