Introducing Buglets! Oh my goodness look how awesome this is!!!! Even managed to make my shoes match perfectly! - Squeals - Very short post today. Welcome to my family Buglets and let me tell you she is coming in with bam of cuteness! This outfit (not including my shoes) is available in five colors. Mainly pastel colors which I love them all! :3 Taste my pastel-ness! Just don't lick me D: Noo Noooo don't do it .... put it away! - chuckles - Any hoots don't get any ideas about kidnapping me! I am daddy's princess and mommy's joy and they won't let anyone take me away! So sorry folks little Penni not up for adoption!
So thought long and hard for my song... thought to myself it's always the little things that add up and make things just so precious... make life so precious. Well my song for tonight when I hear it makes me think of my parents taking care of little me matter how old. Their little princess ❤

So thought long and hard for my song... thought to myself it's always the little things that add up and make things just so precious... make life so precious. Well my song for tonight when I hear it makes me think of my parents taking care of little me matter how old. Their little princess ❤

* Appearance *
* Apparel *
Outfit :: Buglets :: TD Heather [Lilac] (including bow and bracelet) 50L
Shoes :: Baby Princess Kids & Little Girls Cute Child Fashion :: CandyPoP Sneakers
Shoulder Pet :: Half-Deer :: Winter Sea Pups - Lavender
Pose :: Click Poses & Props :: Gentle - 4 (first photo)
** Note **
Oh most important part.... that outfit is only 50L!! but you have to get it soon it's a Friday special!
The sneakers come with an awesome hud to make more awesome pastel selections.
My Seal is part of some gacha event .... don't ask we were I actually don't know - Gasps - It was a gift!! Finally got my freckles! Yay!! Until next time my lovelies happy shoppings ^.^
Hair :: Magika :: Beans [01]
Mesh Head :: *CB* :: Baby Mesh Head #1 - Balloon
Skin :: LD Store - Children's Boutique :: Ava Skin Freckles (Mesh Head Only)
Eyes :: ID :: Portrait Eyes - Blue
Ears :: *CB* :: Bubbly Pierced Ears
Skin :: LD Store - Children's Boutique :: Ava Skin Freckles (Mesh Head Only)
Eyes :: ID :: Portrait Eyes - Blue
Ears :: *CB* :: Bubbly Pierced Ears
Mesh Body :: *CB* :: ToddleeDoo :: BabyGirl
* Apparel *
Outfit :: Buglets :: TD Heather [Lilac] (including bow and bracelet) 50L
Shoes :: Baby Princess Kids & Little Girls Cute Child Fashion :: CandyPoP Sneakers
Shoulder Pet :: Half-Deer :: Winter Sea Pups - Lavender
Pose :: Click Poses & Props :: Gentle - 4 (first photo)
** Note **
Oh most important part.... that outfit is only 50L!! but you have to get it soon it's a Friday special!
The sneakers come with an awesome hud to make more awesome pastel selections.
My Seal is part of some gacha event .... don't ask we were I actually don't know - Gasps - It was a gift!! Finally got my freckles! Yay!! Until next time my lovelies happy shoppings ^.^
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