- Waves crazily- hi hi hi! So little Penni has done it! She was strolling around the house and walked right into her dad's room when she saw dad's briefcase. So what does she think? Well ROAD TRIP! So you can bet she runs upstairs and packs her lunch box 0.0 Well than that could work - laughs - But I must admit look at that smile! D'awww Ok so her father better take her to Disneyworld ... I mean you don't want to see her cry. Luckly for me she happens to be wearing one of my new sponsors outfits!! Offically welcoming LVS Kids to my blog. Well we need to get on the open road! -Laughs- Totally love this song... Must be one of my older brothers singing with dad..... HA HA HA! Not bad guys!! -winks-
* Apparel *
Hair :: [LOVE SOUL] :: Hair*148*Bitter Brown
Mesh Head :: *CB* :: Baby Mesh Head #1 - HAPPY (Gacha item) 125L a play
Ears :: *CB* :: Bubbly Pierced Ears
Mesh Body :: *CB* :: ToddleeDoo :: BabyGirl
* Appearance *
Necklace :: *CB* :: Memories Pendant - Rainbow *RARE (Gacha item)
Bracelet :: *CB* :: My PearLet Bracelet - 16 R (Gacha item)
Lunchbox :: *WindyPopz* :: Traveling Suitcase - Asia (Gacha item) @ The Woodlands Event
** Note **
Gosh I miss my freckles!!!!!!!! - flails- The Mesh heads come with standard ears but since I own Cute Byte ears as well I swapped them out. Yes there is a feature to turn off the mesh ears! Woot! I hope Bit makes more of these cause they are awesome!
For these mesh head gachas I have a few extras (Happy, Tongue & Sad) also have a Rare Vampire looking to trade for the Rare Pixie! I need Dream, Yawn, Silly and Kiss! So IM me inworld for a trade. I am so loving them.... gosh too cute!
Until next time my lovelies happy shopping! ^.^
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