Thursday, January 8, 2015

Mr. Beauty

Hello hello...I have Mr. Beauty here rocking a men's purple robe. The robe comes with a non-mesh undies but Mr. Beauty was being shy and felt the need to wear his boxers! bwaahahaha aww don't be shy! No seriously can't blame him for being a bit shy! He has more guts than me! Showing you all his boxers D:  -claps for him- Bravo Bravo!~ Well short post today. I introduced to you B Barbie Style a few weeks ago and I wanted to point out she also designs for men! So definitely check it out. So I'm sitting there trying to think of a song for this and I was like drawing a blank.... than Mr. Fix It.... just like he always does...fixes that so you can thank him for this song -laughs and shakes her head - I'LL MAKE LOVE TO YOU..... Get to it Mr. Beauty ahahhaha jk~!
*Appearance *
Hair :: [taketomi]:: Koji - Blacks 
Hair Base :: AITUI :: Etched Hair Base - A star, A star - 002 - Black
Mesh Hands and Feet :: Slink
Tattoo :: Pekka :: What you give is what you get

* Apparel *
Mesh Robe :: B Barbie Style :: His Cuddle  Robe Purple
Ear Piercing :: Pekka :: Salacious Unisex Piercing
Mesh Boxers :: *Zanzo* :: Space Race Boxers

** Note **
Been a while since he has graced us with his presence! Thank you Mr. Beauty. He is hard to work with but eventually he will get better at this! Until than small posts until he gets the hang of it. 
Until next time my lovelies happy shopping! ^.^

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