Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Lady Cyber

I might possibly be in the future but you don't know about that do you? I might have taken Tron's pants and cyclops shades but let me tell you it looks so good on me. Now I am not one for short hair but ooo the breeze on my shoulders feels nice - laughs a little - Tron VS X-Men's Cyclops oh decisions decisions? Hmmm I think I'm feeling Tron yes. Those shades are amazing. They are unisex so guys you can rock them also.... what you can't rock is those shoessss!!!! Now from the distant sure they seem plain and normal... but light actually cycles through the heel and shoe!!!!!!!! So you need to have a better look more photos below. Of course you need some music so here we go.
* Appearance *
Hair :: [RA] :: Penny Hair
Skin :: Glam Affair :: Mokatana - Jamaica 08 
Hands and Feet :: Slink
Shape Design :: Penelo Faith ::NA
Nail Polish:: {ZOZ} :: Polka Dot Black Tip (Slink) @ Suicide Dollz 

* Apparel * 
Face Accessory :: Reckless :: Geordi .Silver.
Earrings :: OXI :: Lotus of the Nile 
Necklace :: OXI :: Satine Collar Red / Black Diamond
Holdable :: BluPrintz :: Data Pad
Shirt :: Corvus :: Black May Top XXS
Pants :: [THD] :: Strapped v1
Shoes ::  BluPrintz :: Pulse Heels 

* Note * 
 Suicide Dollz Event March 1st to 15th 2015
This post was suppose to go out yesterday but I got a bit busy with REAL things. I am still trying to resolve that matter but have no fear more posts to come. Now below is a photo of BluPrintz Pulse heels. Now why are they so special? They are incredible because you notice that clear plastic tubing? Well light goes through that. If you notice the first photo to the left the red beam is closer to the toes and the photo to the right is farther from the toes. So you have actual light moving through your shoe!!!! Perfect for any cyborg lady! Think Tron..... yes yes there is customization. The shoe itself has a few color options as well as the light. Just bedazzling. Which I love them with The Hellish Diva's pants whom also you can change the straps on the pants to various colors - le gasp - unfortunately they don't quiet have that glow feeling but still a good buy. 
Until next time happy shoppings! ^.^

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