Sunday, March 15, 2015

Take Yar Booty

Yoo-hoo yoo-hoo a pirates life for me! We pick our boogers and paint on the walls. Drink up me hearties yoo-hoo! We giggles and tickles and don't give a toot. Drink up me hearties yoo-hoo! Yoo-hoo yoo-hoo a pirates life for me! Oh my goodness! I gots a lots of booty for yous! When I say booty I mean treasures! I have been blogging for this event called "Allergic To Pink" which suits me cause I don't like pink. Nooo seriously! It's an amazing event! So many cute things to collect. So grab what you cans and give nothing back! hehe. This is the original song made into a remix - le gasp - but gosh someone should record my version one day -giggles- 
* Appearance *
Hair :: Ploom :: Equestranaut - Browns
Mesh Head :: *CB* :: Baby Mesh Head  - Balloon
Skin :: LD Store - Children's Boutique :: Ava Skin Freckles
Eyes :: ID :: Portrait Eyes - Blue
Ears ::  *CB* :: Bubbly Pierced Ears
Mesh Body :: *CB* :: ToddleeDoo :: BabyGirl

* Apparel *
Shirt Grey :: Stray Kitties :: Who Needs Adventure shirt (TD Baby) @ Allergic To Pink 
Shirt Black :: Stray Kitties :: Take a Hike shirt (TD Baby) @ Allergic To Pink 
Hat, Eye Patch, Sword and Shield :: Daddy-O :: Pirate Set 2 @ Allergic To Pink 
Shorts :: Little Closet :: Light Wash Denim Shorts

* Accessories / Decor *
Pet Fish :: [Tic Tot Toe] :: Clownfish Bowl *RARE The Play Room Gacha
Decor :: Daddy-O :: Tahiti The Parrot @ Allergic To Pink 
Decor :: Daddy-O :: 5. Scurvy-Ade Stand Sign @ Allergic To Pink 
Decor :: Daddy-O :: 6. Fix Ye Wagon @ Allergic To Pink 
Decor :: Daddy-O :: 7 Map Pieces @ Allergic To Pink 
Decor :: Daddy-O :: 8. Treasure Chest (Girl) @ Allergic To Pink  
Decor :: Daddy-O :: 9. Treasure Chest (Boy) @ Allergic To Pink 
Decor :: Daddy-O :: 10. Candy Cloud Treasure Chest *RARE Allergic To Pink 
Decor :: Stray Kitties :: Priate Map @ Allergic To Pink 
Decor :: Stray Kitties :: Your my adventure Home sign @ Allergic To Pink 
Decor :: Stray Kitties :: Adventure Balloons @ Allergic To Pink 
Decor :: Stray Kitties :: Pirate Bear Deco toy

** Note **
The Play Room Gacha  March 5th - 31st 2015
Best part of Tic Tot Toe fishes is you don't need to feed them!!!! YAY and they talk to you and your friends. There are 10 fishes to win. Example given below of how your fish talk to you. 
{your name} hopes they never lose their clownfish. 
Daddy-O did a great job with his items as well. There are three treasure chests to choose from and I LOVE the map pieces that you can design on the ground to make it a proper treasure hunt. 
Can't forget Stray Kitties which had me laughing and giggling with the balloons! Up up and away! Stray Kitties also had a map poster which is adorable. The shirts aren't just for girls. 
There were also a few things from Stray Kitties and Daddy-O I didn't post but both did a a great job for having items that would work for both genders.
Until next time happy shoppings! ^.^

Photo Below is the gacha key for the fish bowls done by TTT. There is also this important video you should check out on some information about the fishbowls! Enjoy! Tic Tot Toe tutorial for the Fish bowls link. 

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